In a world that often values productivity over presence, it can be easy to forget the importance of connecting with our bodies and its innate wisdom. Embodiment is a felt sense experience that allows us to ground into the physical body, become present in the moment and meet the flow of energy that moves through us. As awareness expands into presence within the physical body, we naturally become more attuned with nature and her rhythms through our senses and emotions.

The moon cycles offer a natural rhythm for us to follow in developing an embodiment practice. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, we can tune into the flow of expansion and contraction within and trust our own cycles with greater compassion and grace. The full moon, in particular, represents the culmination and completion of energy and is a powerful time for connecting with the body and the natural rhythms of the earth.

During this time, we can use ritual and embodiment practices to slow down, become present and deepen connection with all parts of ourselves. Through honoring the cycles of growth and transformation at the Full Moon we can explore our own experience of the energy within the cycle and the world around us to understand the deeper needs we yearn to develop, express and release. In what areas of life do you desire closure? What would a FULL life look and feel like for you now?

Whether we practice alone or in community, this can facilitate a greater sense of compassion and understanding for the self and others.

The Embodiment Deck is a tool for guidance to connect more deeply, support intention and focus energy. Incorporating movements, postures and reflections that resonate with the themes of the cards pulled can allow the body to express the energy of the spirit and our intentions for the cycle.

Here’s how to honor the depth of embodiment with the moon cycles to create a powerful and transformative practice that supports growth and healing.

  1. Set up a sacred space for reflection, movement and ritual. You could light candles, burn incense or play music. Incorporate elements of nature, your life and those you love by creating an altar in your space.

  2. Meditate on your breath , visualizing energy moving in, around and out of your heart. Cultivate a deeper felt sense of being in your body by observing through all of your senses.

  3. Shuffle the Embodiment cards and pull up to three at random. This card can serve as your intention for the full moon. Use the practice or ritual on the card to help you connect with your intention and embody it in your daily life.

  4. Use the journal prompts on the cards to reflect on your growth and transformation over the past month. What have you learned? What patterns have you released? In what ways and through what actions can you cultivate more compassion and understanding for yourself and others? How might the intention of the card pulled assist you in that?

  5. Close your ritual by attuning to beauty and gratitude. Notice and appreciate the blessings in your life and make a commitment to honor all parts of yourself as essential aspects of your whole being.

As you integrate these insights into your life, notice how their themes are reflected in your life and how you connect with your body. Carry compassion in your process of learning and deepening your understanding for yourself and others.

As you move through this Full Moon in Libra, may you find the courage to honor all parts of yourself, allowing all voices to be elevated, held and heard. May you allow time and space to integrate the wisdom gained and release that which is no longer of service. And may your experiences serve as a reminder of the wisdom that resides within you, waiting to be uncovered and shared with the world.

Written By: Julien Elizabeth

Julien Elizabeth is a guide that weaves astrology, somatics and inquiry to discover insight. She studies how celestial cycles affect the nervous system and offers practical guidance and impactful tools to integrate the earthly experience. Based primarily in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, Julien leads classes, programs, trainings and retreats virtually and around the world.

Hear her work: Interviews, Podcasts + Press

Connect with her online at www.julienelizabeth.com or on instagram.


